The short answer is yes. Fat freezing was FDA-approved in 2010, and it was recommended as a fat loss treatment by the NCBI following a safety and efficacy study carried out in 2015.

The findings of the study were as follows:

“The primary literature search returned 319 articles. After inclusion criteria were applied and additional articles were identified via manual review of article references, 19 studies were selected for review.

Average reduction in calliper measurement ranged from 14.67 percent to 28.5 percent.

No significant impact on lipid levels or liver function tests after cryolipolysis treatments was noted in any study. Only mild, short-term side effects, such as erythema, swelling, and pain, were noted.”

Am I suitable for fat freezing?

Provided your liver and kidneys are healthy, and you have no diseases of the immune system, the procedure will be suitable for you.

If you have soft, squeezable pockets of fat that aren’t being reached by diet and regular exercise, fat freezing is ideal.

It’s a great way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle. It shifts excess fat that can make you feel sluggish and unmotivated.

Are the results permanent?

Unlike dieting, which simply shrinks fat cells, fat freezing gets rid of them for good.

If you maintain a healthy active lifestyle, the results will be permanent.

What should I do after treatment?

Fat freezing is non-surgical so you can get on with your day immediately after treatment.

Avoid too much caffeine and alcohol, and make sure that you drink plenty of water – at least 2 litres per day – to help the lymphatic system flush out the fat cells.

How many treatments will I need?

For most people, the benefits can be seen after just one treatment. Generally, you can expect to lose around 30% of body fat in the targeted area following a single treatment.

Most people start to see the difference after 5 weeks, with the full effects noticeable after 12 weeks.

Bear in mind that the results vary from person to person because they’re dependent on age, exercise and diet. It is always possible to `out-eat’ fat freezing so make sure you maintain a healthy diet.

Where does the fat go?

After treatment, they are naturally broken down by the body’s waste-processing plant – the lymphatic system and the liver. Put simply, you flush them out when you go to the loo.

Get in touch for a free consultation. I’ll get back to you quickly, and I can usually see you in as little as 24 hours. If you want to start treatment straight away, you can do so.

Contacts us

The Blythe Clinic, Brunswick Terrace, Hove, East Sussex

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